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A brief overview of diabetes
Published in
Volume: 3
Issue: SUPPL. 4
Pages: 22 - 27
In this modern world science improved a lot, but still now most of the people lack awareness about diabetes. Due to life style and food habit changes are the major cause for the diabetes. Diabetes is the term roughly translate as excessive sweet urine. There are three types of diabetes type1 type 2 and gestational diabetes. Main causes include lack of physical work, obesity, and life style modification. Symptoms of diabetes are polydipsia and polyuria etc. prevalence of diabetes shows that India will be in first rank in the diabetic population in 2030. Many medications are used for controlling diabetes like allopathy, ayurveda etc. In allopathic medicines, the drugs like metformin, glibenclamide etc. are plays a major role meanwhile, In ayurveda, the plants like neem, bitter guard, bael fruit, etc. are also helps to control. One of the best way is to control the diabetes is to increase physical work, avoid of consuming junk foods. Moreover people should consume ragi and other low carbohydrate content foods will help to maintain the diet and prevent from diabetes.
About the journal
JournalInternational Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences