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A comparative study of e-learning awareness among undergraduate science and engineering students in Bengaluru, Karnataka
Published in Serials Publications
Volume: 97
Issue: 21
Pages: 61 - 77
Currently, urban students of higher education in advanced countries as well as in developing countries like India have excellent access to electronic gadgets. It is well established that this phenomenon has strengthened their social networking skills to a large extent. Students are also well versed and informed about the various apps and their features. In a quest to understand whether this exposure to the electronic media is also facilitating their academic development and enhancing their technical skills, this paper attempts to compare e-learning awareness among undergraduate science and engineering students among five reputed urban colleges of Bangalore taken as samples. Findings show that engineering students were more active with respect to usage of computers and also in aspects related to subject-related online programs, enrollment onto online courses, satisfaction levels with regard to such courses and knowledge gained therein. On the other hand, science students showed more interest in informing their faculty about such programs and gaining their encouragement for the same. Such studies would help in planning and determining the electronic learning environment in India and also its role in moulding our future generation of engineers and scientists.
About the journal
JournalMan in India
PublisherSerials Publications