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A grey wolf optimization based MPPT for PV system under changing insolation level
, Bidyadhar Subudhi, Pravat Ray Kumar
Published in
Pages: 175 - 179
This paper presents a new maximum power extraction algorithm for a photovoltaic (PV) system under any variation in insolation. The new algorithm has the capability to reach global peak (GP) under any weather conditions. The main advantage of the proposed algorithm is the substitution of PI controller with direct duty cycle control scheme. To confirm the efficacy of the GWO based MPPT, it has been compared with PSO and P{\&}O based MPPTs. The proposed technique is implemented using MATLAB/SIMULINK software followed by an experimentation developed in the laboratory to verify the effectiveness of GWO based MPPT. The results obtained ensure that GWO-MPPT tracks with an efficiency of 99.8{\%} whereas P{\&}O and PSO tracks with an efficiency of 31.3{\%} and 99.7{\%}.
About the journal
Journal2016 IEEE Students' Technology Symposium, TechSym 2016