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A linear time algorithm for finding an optimal degree-bounded subtree of an edge-weighted tree
K.V. Iyer,
Published in
Volume: 109
Issue: 11
Pages: 560 - 562
Given an edge-weighted tree T = (V (T), E (T)) and its subtree T′, for any v ∈ V (T), the distance d (v, T′) is defined as the minimum weighted distance from v to any vertex in T′. The distance d (T, T′) is defined as the sum of all distances of the form d (v, T′) where v ∈ V (T). We give an algorithm to find a T′ that minimizes d (T, T′) and for all w ∈ V (T′), the degree degT′ (w) of w is not more than a prespecified bound db (w)(0 ≤ d b (w) ≤ degT (w)) at w. The worst-case running time of our algorithm is in O (| V (T) |). © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
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JournalInformation Processing Letters