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A New CPU Scheduling Algorithm Using Round-robin and Mean of the Processes
Sujith Kumar Reddy N, , ,
Published in Springer Singapore
Volume: 732
Pages: 231 - 240

This paper aims to develop the round-robin (RR) process scheduling algorithm, to get optimized waiting and turnaround time with less number of context switching for the given process. RR algorithm is the most adopted algorithm in modern computing as it overcomes the problem of starvation in first-come first-serve (FCFS) and short job first (SJF). In this article, an improved round-robin algorithm is proposed by calculating the mean of the given processes namely Check Mean with round-robin (CMRR), which reduces the average waiting time (AWT) and average turnaround time (ATT) of the given processes. The drawback of the present round-robin algorithm is that it turns to FCFS in case of large time quantum values which results in higher waiting and turnaround time of the processes. This method gives the most optimized values for scheduling the given processes reducing waiting and turnaround time comparatively. This method is more efficient if the processes burst time is in ascending order. It also reduces the number of context switches increasing the throughput.

About the journal
JournalData powered by TypesetSystem and Architecture Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
PublisherData powered by TypesetSpringer Singapore
Open AccessNo
Authors (3)