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A novel design of compliant forceps with serpentine flexures
L. George B,
Published in Taylor and Francis Ltd.
Recent advancement in medical engineering demands a prefect solution for various problems. In this work, we proposed compliant forceps with the novel serpentine flexure. Compliant mechanisms are flexible mechanisms which are jointless in nature, which transfer force and displacement from input link to output link through an elastic body deformation. The compliant mechanism provides an optimum solution for many micro applications, which is suitable for solving many problems in medical engineering. Forceps require a limited level of parallel movement to hold the required amount of tissues. In traditional forceps, ‘U’ shaped flexure restricts the parallel motion. Hence, this work the proposed Forceps uses serpentine flexure to overcome the parallel motion problems. Here, a parallel Serpentine flexure-based forceps is developed. The mathematical modelling for serpentine flexures is developed. A generic equation is been developed to estimate the stiffness of the serpentine flexure model, stiffness is estimated for two different types of flexure model. The finite element model (FEM) of serpentine flexures is developed using ANSYS and stiffness is validated. Mathematical and FEM results are promising with minimum variations. Finally, forceps are developed using leverage mechanism concepts with the serpentine flexure hinges and FEM is performed. FEM results of forceps are promising. © 2020, © 2020 Engineers Australia.
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JournalData powered by TypesetAustralian Journal of Mechanical Engineering
PublisherData powered by TypesetTaylor and Francis Ltd.