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A preprocessing method combined with an ensemble framework for the multiclass imbalanced data classification
Pavan Kumar M.R,
Published in Informa UK Limited
Pages: 1 - 8

Skewed distributions appear in many real-world classification problems. Skewed distributions, underrepresented classes, and multiple overlapping regions in multiclass imbalanced datasets deteriorate the performance of existing classification algorithms and approaches. In this context, we combine a novel preprocessing procedure to tackle minority classes in multiclass imbalanced problems with an ensemble framework. The preprocessing method oversamples the minority classes based on normalized probability, and then an ensemble called a stacked generalization framework is used to train the model. The motive behind combining the ensemble framework and the preprocessing procedure is to enhance the overall classification performance of the classifier for multiclass imbalanced problems. Experimental results on 20 multiclass imbalanced datasets show that the proposed preprocessing method with the ensemble framework outperforms the representative approaches in 13 datasets for macro average arithmetic (MAvA) and mean F-measure (MFM) metrics. In the case of state-of-the-art techniques, the proposed approach steered 14 datasets for the MAvA metric and 15 datasets for the MFM metric to success. © 2019, © 2019 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.

About the journal
JournalInternational Journal of Computers and Applications
PublisherInforma UK Limited
Open Access0