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A review on the classification, characterisation, synthesis of nanoparticles and their application
Ealias A.M,
Published in IOP Publishing
Volume: 263
Issue: 3
As per ISO and ASTM standards, nanoparticles are particles of sizes ranging from 1 to 100nm with one or more dimensions. The nanoparticles are generally classified into the organic, inorganic and carbon based particles in nanometric scale that has improved properties compared to larger sizes of respective materials. The nanoparticles show enhanced properties such as high reactivity, strength, surface area, sensitivity, stability, etc. because of their small size. The nanoparticles are synthesised by various methods for research and commercial uses that are classified into three main types namely physical, chemical and mechanical processes that has seen a vast improvement over time. This paper presents a review on nanoparticles, their types, properties, synthesis methods and its applications in the field of environment. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.
About the journal
JournalData powered by TypesetIOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
PublisherData powered by TypesetIOP Publishing
Open AccessYes