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An Efficient Aviation Model for Air Transport Regulation using Nosql
, Jayapal C, Sultana H.P, Monisha K.,
Published in Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Engineering and Sciences Publication - BEIESP
Volume: 8
Issue: 11S
Pages: 191 - 196
The rapid growth of data in all fields makes NoSQL database spectacular in the recent times. NoSQL gives the efficient storing of the huge volume of information in a data warehouse. The NoSQL server provides horizontal scalability and retrieval of data in the very prominent way. These features make the NoSQL database meaningfully increase in the real-time applications relating to the web services. Handling of extensive data in different areas makes sense of NoSQL. This work particularly uses the aviation data frame describing the operations being taking part in the aircraft systems such as productions and developments. The stable growth in aviation department leads to the global development. Hence risk is analyzed in all aspects. The branches of aviation are public aviation, general aviation, and defense aircraft keeps generating extensive records from the various third parties. These files which are in Gigabytes (GB) and Terabytes (TB) are stored in the databases for many practical applications. The data generated in various aviation departments are handled using document store NoSQL. The aviation framework using document store enables the accessing and storing information in the NoSQL database server efficiently with recovering the deleted data from the MongoDB data file structure. This work focuses on using aggregation operation to retrieve the data in an efficient manner and Mongo index B-tree algorithm where insertion, deletion, sequential access, and searches are done in logarithmic time
About the journal
JournalInternational Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering Special Issue
PublisherBlue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Engineering and Sciences Publication - BEIESP
Open Access0