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An hybrid heuristic using genetic algorithm and simulated annealing algorithm to solve machine loading problem in FMS
M. Yogeswaran, , M.K. Tiwari
Published in
Pages: 182 - 187
A machine loading problem in flexible manufacturing system (FMS) is discussed with bicriterion objectives of minimizing system unbalance and maximizing system throughput in the occurrence of technological constraints such as available machining time and tool slots. An efficient evolutionary algorithm by hybridizing the Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Simulated Annealing (SA) algorithm called GASA is proposed in this paper. The performance of the GASA is tested by using 10 sample dataset and the results are compared with the heuristics reported in the literature. Two machine selection heuristics are proposed and their influence on the quality of the solution is also studied. Extensive computational experiments have been carried out to evaluate the performance of the proposed evolutionary heuristics and the results are presented in tables and figures. The results clearly support the better performance of GASA over the algorithms reported in the literature. © 2007 IEEE.
About the journal
JournalProceedings of the 3rd IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, IEEE CASE 2007