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An integrated approach for configuring Hadoop clusters by Ambari on Horton Sandbox
Published in Serials Publications
Volume: 9
Issue: 26
Pages: 301 - 306
In Information Technology satisfying customer needs is still remains a milestone because of their increasing demands. When taking the comparison strategy Industry is not only altered in the way of providing solutions, also handling of techniques and resource adaptability is taken into a new level. All the business activities are moving towards Integrated Approach, so the techniques involved should also support integrated platforms this to be followed by both existing techniques as well as newly evolved techniques. In this paper a very important existing technique Hadoop as an experimental platform configuring it by a newly born tool named as Ambari, to enable integrated approach on Hadoop clusters without disturbing its applications. To do this common platform which supports Hadoop, Ambari as well as its entire component modules, for this we chosen Horton Sandbox it is very helpful to integrate Hadoop with other relevant technologies and sandbox is readymade composite software platform were makes all the modules are installed priory, which allows our work very easier. In this experimental Hadoop and its clusters on different nodes are configured and controlled by Ambari which runs on Single machine. Our results clearly showing ambari acts as a central management system to monitor Hadoop clusters bring plenty of benefits to the Hadoop Users. © International Science Press.
About the journal
JournalInternational Journal of Control Theory and Applications
PublisherSerials Publications
Authors (5)