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Analyzes of Mouth Cancer Using Max-Min Composition in Soft Computing
Jothikumar R, , Nagarajan M, Premkumar S, Asokan A.
Published in The World Academy of Research in Science and Engineering
Volume: 8
Issue: 3
Pages: 825 - 830
The intention of making this paper is for the reason that uncertainty in medical reasoning has turned out to be in massive augmentation that it is complicated to be handled. So by means of lending a hand, that is whereof the above mentioned health- open-handed system to agree on the concerned problematic factor of mouth cancer, totally using Max-Min composition is found out. Here these lethal types of the cancer, when measured up along with other different and dissimilar cancers that this age group, band that is the generation from this century individuals have and even had been and still being pretentious, in more better expanded way, they have an outcome on all human and beings over the whole wide universe. From the acquired in sequence info, that is from the clinician experts reporting that Smoking, rises of Tobacco products and Alcohol using up in excess or the shortage and avoid doing from too much fuss of drinking are the reason cause for Mouth cancer. Here these causes mentioned according to the clinicians’ info are unsure, doubtful and situation to find the effects of mouth cancer are complex, so for this Max-min composition is worn to analyze this issue. © 2019, World Academy of Research in Science and Engineering. All rights reserved.
About the journal
JournalInternational Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering
PublisherThe World Academy of Research in Science and Engineering
Open AccessNo