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Artificial intelligence in 3D CAD modelling
Sabbella D.S., Singh A.,
Published in Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
Integrating Artificial intelligence with various industries turns to be one of the important factor in this technical era. Every industry, right from designing the product and turning it into usability, needs 'Artificial Intelligence and its methods' for better analysis and performance of the product. In machine industries, Simulation of the machine plays a vital role in designing the machine into its hardware form. In this paper we will apply the integration of artificial intelligence into 3D CAD modelling, where 3D CAD deals with the simulation of the machine. Traditional tools of the CAD doesn't contain any feasible conditions for quick designing of the machine model and better analysis of the errors in the design. Hence with the usage of Machine learning techniques especially Artificial Neural Networks in the analysis of datasets of common CAD models can help the CAD designer in predicting the designs and its errors with in the process of Machine designing. Due to the heterogeneity in the structures of the machine, sometimes it is really tough to get predictions of the design. For this we can integrate same artificial intelligence methods to the real machine models by capturing them followed by Data Augmentation and extracting the features of this real machine models and proceeding with the analysis of the models as that of the previous machine learning techniques and can build complex models easily out of real models. Due to the integration of AI in CAD modelling there will be less chances of errors and more chances of accuracy in the design. © 2020 IEEE.