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Automated intelligent public lighting system
Published in Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.
Volume: 10
Issue: 5
Pages: 618 - 634
Intelligent street lighting refers to public street lighting that adapts to movement by pedestrians, cyclists and cars. This type of lighting is different from traditional, stationary illumination, or dimmable street lighting that dims at predetermined times. Intelligent street lighting, also referred to as adaptive street lighting, dims when no activity is detected, but brightens when movement is detected. Apart from that in this model of intelligent street lighting the lights will be configured to interact with each other to inform further lights to turn on or off when activity is detected near them. This ensures that people always walk in well-lit areas but area where activity is not detected remains dark thus saving energy. The lights will also be fitted with sensors to detect available sunlight initially and only come into action when required instead of predetermined times, it will also have access to a web API that provides average sunrise and sunset times in the region to save energy by reducing usage of the sensor itself. Copyright © 2020 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.
About the journal
JournalInternational Journal of Internet Technology and Secured Transactions
PublisherInderscience Enterprises Ltd.