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Biomass resources and potential of anaerobic digestion in Indian scenario
Thomas P, Soren N, Rumjit N.P, George James J,
Published in Elsevier BV
Volume: 77
Pages: 718 - 730
With the rising population in India the demand for energy is also shooting up. This paper examines the potential, scope and the opportunities of biomass in the Indian economy. India, being an agricultural country, has a lot of possible resources from the agronomic sector like crop residue, animal manure, etc., which has not been utilised in an efficient way. This paper also gives an insight into anaerobic digestion and the many other digesters implemented in India. The accelerating economic growth leads to the rapid rise in urbanisation which in turn generates an increased production of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW). This MSW can be used in biomass production in quite a lot of innovative ways. The study also focused on the potential sources and their proper conversion technique. The feasibility of biomass conversion and achievements made by India was also looked into. Use of bioenergy in cheaper and economically feasible ways is also a practical solution to the energy crisis. © 2017 Elsevier Ltd
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