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Block chain based implementation of electronic medical health record
B. Narendra Kumar Rao, B. Bhaskar Kumar Rao,
Published in Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication
Volume: 8
Issue: 8
Pages: 715 - 730
Electronic medical records (EMRs) square measure vital, sensitive personal data in aid, and wish to be often shared between peers. Blockchain Technologyfacilitates a shared, immutable and history of all the transactions creatingsoftwareof trust, responsibility and transparency. This provides a novel chance to implement a secure and reliable EMR knowledge management and sharing, system victimization. In this paper, we gift our views on blockchain primarily based aid knowledge management, specially, for EMR knowledge sharing between aid suppliers and for analysis studies. we have a tendency to propose a framework for managing EMR knowledge for cancer patient care. together with an Hospital, we have a tendency to enforced our framework in an exceedingly image that ensures privacy, security, convenience, and fine-grained access management over EMR knowledge. The planned paper will considerably scale back the turnaround for EMR sharing, improve higher cognitive process for medical aid, and scale back the value. Confidentiality in health industry refers to the “obligation of professionals”, World Health Organization canhave access to patient records or exchange information to carry that data in confidence. Managing electronic health data presents distinctive challenges for restrictive compliance, for moral concerns and ultimately for quality of care. As the meaningful use of Electronic Health record system expands from the health devices, its aiding organizations grow. All World Health Organization work with health data— health information processing and management professionals, doctors, researchers, business directors have responsibility to accept that data. And as patients, we've privacy rights with relevancy our own health data Associate in Nursing an expectation that our data be control in confidence and guarded. Confidentiality of patient medical records is of utmost importance. Access to patient medical records in hospital software package ought to be with the treating/admitting practician and therefore the team. Access to medical records mustn't lean to everybody within the hospital network. one in all the thanks to address this confidentiality issue is “Blockchain Technology”. Victimization digital signatures on Blockchain-based knowledge permits access for multiple folks may regulate the provision and maintain the security of health records. Additionally, a community of individuals, together with stakeholders of health care industry, might be a part of the Blockchain, can reduce fraud in payments. © BEIESP.
About the journal
JournalInternational Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering
PublisherBlue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication