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Constructing a postmodern pedagogy to teach foreign languages to postmodern learners of 21st century
Published in Serials Publications
Volume: 97
Issue: 2
Pages: 445 - 455
A new language is learned by many to gain access to other people, cultures and their ways of seeing things. Although the academic world is gearing up with profound changes in teaching and learning of languages, to meet the challenges of the diversified, shifting circumstances, only modern approaches to foreign language education are being widely followed by many institutions while its learners belong to the postmodern era. This brings in a discrepancy between the needs, and interests of the learners and the views held by the stakeholders of education. This paper tries to analyze the existing method of teaching/learning a foreign language through conventional/modern methods and aims to discuss and answer if the modern pedagogy of teaching a foreign language can fulfill the aspirations of postmodern learners in the 21st century? It is found and discussed through the study that the modern pedagogical approach to foreign language teaching/learning process has to be deconstructed to meet the aspirations, needs and wants of its postmodern learners and the society they thrive in. The study thus puts forward a few alternatives, innovative postmodern pedagogical methods like the Digital Native Methodology, Meta-Curriculum, Task Based Learning and Project Based Learning as plausible methods to be included in the postmodern classrooms of foreign languages. © Serials Publications.
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JournalMan in India
PublisherSerials Publications