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Data Analysis and Interpretation in IoT-Based Systems for Critical Medical Services and Healthcare Applications
A. Rustagi, M. Shukla, F. Samuel, S.A. Kumar, A. Banerjee, S. Ramaswamy,
Published in Springer
Volume: 118
Issue: 2
Pages: 933 - 948
The use of Internet of things in health care is a major breakthrough as it can help us save a lot of lives that can be prevented because of prolonged commute distance to the hospital. We have improvised on pre-existing models to create this model. We were successfully able to achieve results on a small scale by transmitting relays of data over a Wi-Fi network. Our model will help reduce the travel time, as well as send data to prior to the hospitals so they can take necessary precautions to attend to the patient. We have come up with a two-step process to achieve. (1) Create a green corridor for an ambulance. (2) Send the patient details (blood group, the reason for emergency, pulse rate, etc.) to the respective hospital. © 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC part of Springer Nature.
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