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Data Communication Security Issues of Wi-Fi over Li-Fi
Gupta K, Agarwal K, Babu Y.
Published in Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Engineering and Sciences Publication - BEIESP
Volume: 8
Issue: 3
Pages: 1977 - 1981
Visible Light Communications (VLC) system is called Light Fidelity One such example, analog data is passed to a LED (Light-Emitting Diode) bulb (using signal processing technology), after that it transmits data (which is implanted in its beam) to the detector or photodiode. The small commutes in the brisk feeble of LED bulbs is modulated by the receiver circuit into electrical signal. The signal is then reversed into a duplex data runnel that could be recognized in the same way that of audio, video and web programs that run on devices that has internet enabled. Wi-Fi is vulnerable to breaches involving various security issues such as Rouge Access Points, Denial of Service, Wireless Trespasser, Data Interruption, End point attacks etc. To overcome such restrictions, this paper proposes application level substructure for data communication using Li-Fi (Light Fidelity) Technology. By using LED lights as a transmission medium, the indoor wireless communication is achieved in much faster rate than the one WiFi (Wireless Fidelity) can provide.
About the journal
JournalInternational Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering Regular Issue
PublisherBlue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Engineering and Sciences Publication - BEIESP
Open Access0