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Design of an Efficient Automated Closed-Loop Irrigation System for Stable Remote Access to Field Conditions
, Singh T, Jasmine M.
Published in Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Engineering and Sciences Publication - BEIESP
Volume: 8
Issue: 6
Pages: 2535 - 2540
Many major metro cities face a water crisis today. It has been predicted that Bangalore will become unlivable by 2020. Proficient water administration is a noteworthy worry in many agricultural sites in these parched zones. As engineers, it our duty to help avert this crisis. Automated closed loop irrigation systems offer a potential answer in order to help site-specific water system administration which will enable producers to increase their profitability while also sparing water. This project puts forward a humble design of an automated irrigation system controlled via closed-loop operation, employing a host of sensors to attain data to check against the predetermined threshold values. The collected data should be available to the agriculturalist at all times to maximize efficiency of the agricultural process. The Internet of Things (IOT) is one of the technological advancements which can provide a remote viewing ability to the system by giving the user a platform to analyze this data. With more development in the field of IOT expected in the coming years, these systems can be made more efficient, much faster and cost lesser.
About the journal
JournalInternational Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology Regular Issue
PublisherBlue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Engineering and Sciences Publication - BEIESP
Open Access0