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DOVC: Data obfuscation visual cryptography to protect cloud storage
Published in Medwell Journals
Volume: 11
Issue: 6
Pages: 374 - 381
In cloud computing model, data are stored in a remote server and retrieved by the data owner whenever and wherever required. But there is no assurance that information stored in the cloud server is protected and not modified by the cloud service provider. Plain text storage is vulnerable to security attacks by both illegitimate users and CSP (Cloud Service Provider). Conventional encryption techniques suffer by computational and storage issues. Hence, protecting a cloud storage space is a complex and primary task to be deployed. Data Obfuscation Visual Cryptography (DOVC) proposes a new data storage scheme in a cloud for storing and retrieving a text file using visual cryptography technique with total data confidentiality. This DOVC storage scheme is more efficient than the conventional cryptographic algorithms because of its less mathematical computations, storage size and time complexity. Experimental results are also supporting the claims. © Medwell Journals, 2016.
About the journal
JournalInternational Journal of Soft Computing
PublisherMedwell Journals