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Dynamic road traffic management based on krushkal's algorithm
, T.T.S. Kumar, N.S. Kumar, V. Venkateswaran, S. Balaji
Published in
Pages: 200 - 204
The dynamic road traffic management is based on the dynamic vehicle routing during peak hour traffic. The real time traffic management has become a hectic problem in daily life due to the increasing traffic, sudden accidents, and bottle necks due to various reasons. In Dynamic Vehicle Navigation System (DVNS), the real time traffic junctions are mapped as nodes and the traffic rate between the signals is considered as the link weight for the selection of routes from source to destination. The selection of the route depends on various parameters such as traffic rate, speed of the vehicle, shortest path etc. The dynamic route selection is implemented using the krushkal's algorithm based on different parameters. The end-user selects the source and destination and sends the information to our system using Google maps; our system suggests the optimal route to the end-user based on the dynamic routing table. The traffic in-charge personnel have to update the traffic rates using their mobile PDA. The Dynamic routing table is updated periodically to accomplish the optimal solution. © 2011 IEEE.
About the journal
JournalInternational Conference on Recent Trends in Information Technology, ICRTIT 2011