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EBG–AMC–HIS characteristics analysis of QBTR unitcell
M. Tamrakar,
Published in Springer
Volume: 46
Issue: 1
In this paper the quad bend triangular resonator (QBTR) structure is used as a metamaterial unitcell for metasurface characteristics analysis. This paper presents the metasurface properties like electromagnetic band gap (dispersion diagram), reflection phase S11 (deg) and surface impedance Z11(Ω) of a unitcell. The unitcell analysis shows similarities in operating frequency band for these metasurface characteristics. The QBTR metasurface performance is validated using a wideband dipole antenna. The antenna gain of > 5 dBi is achieved with QBTR metasurface for frequency range 3.2–6.7 GHz. The QBTR metasurface is orthogonal symmetric and can be used for dual-polarized wideband frequency applications like WLAN (5.15–5.85 GHz) and NR 5G sub-6-GHz (3.3–5.0 GHz). © 2021, Indian Academy of Sciences.
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