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Effort of Load Balancer to Achieve Green Cloud Computing: A Review
, Iyengar N.C.S.N.
Published in Global Vision Press
Volume: 11
Issue: 3
Pages: 317 - 332
In a distributed system, from the starting days onwards distribution of load among servers becomes a serious problem in the commercial Internet. The problem in this scenario is? The entire single application oriented server has to engage the entire amount of traffic and if they went down, all commercial activities come down offline result out of business. Running individually the application server couldn’t support start-up budgets. The folks involved in the Web Commercial plan to solve this problem by distributing the load evenly to all the servers running on the web host owned by different agents or organizations; thus new scenario was born named as Load Balancing. In this treatise, we investigate several shapes attenuated by load Balancer and reviewed the algorithms proposed on load balancing. Here we took both static as well as dynamic based algorithms and their performances are formulated by comparison with all other existing scheme. This paper also brings connectivity on green computing with cloud load balancers. By cloud computing we can attain multi tenancy and dynamic resource handling which automatically reduces co2 emission from servers. Without the facility of sharing single resources among thousands of peoples, green computing is not possible. So the nature of cloud load balancer and green computing was illustrated here. © 2016 SERSC.
About the journal
JournalInternational Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering
PublisherGlobal Vision Press
Open AccessNo