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Embeddings Between Hypercubes andHypertrees
Published in Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications
Volume: 19
Issue: 1
Pages: 361 - 373
Graph embedding problems have gained importance in the field of interconnection networks for parallel computer architectures. Interconnection networks provide an effective mechanism for exchanging data between processors in a parallel computing system. In this paper, we embed the rooted hypertree RHT(r) into r-dimensional hypercube Qr with dilation 2, r ≥ 2. Also, we compute the exact wirelength of the embedding of the r-dimensional hypercube Qr into the rooted hypertree RHT(r), r ≥ 2. © Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications.
About the journal
JournalJournal of Graph Algorithms and Applications
PublisherJournal of Graph Algorithms and Applications
Open Access0