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Face Recognition using Cascade Algorithm
Ravuri V, Ramasubbareddy S, , Vasundra S.
Published in Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Engineering and Sciences Publication - BEIESP
Volume: 8
Issue: 2S4
Pages: 599 - 602
As one of the most successful application of Image processing, face recognition has received attention for quite a long time. Whether being used in CCTV cameras or home security, face recognition is an important application in today’s metropolitan era. The face recognization strategy is implemented by using Haar cascade algorithm. Both are used differently and the results are then compared to know which one works better or is more accurate. In this paper, we have used Python programing language, since this is only a basic Face recognition system there is no database used but for future extension, we can add a database to expand this method to a larger scale.
About the journal
JournalInternational Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering Special Issue
PublisherBlue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Engineering and Sciences Publication - BEIESP
Open Access0