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Factors affecting the adoption of electronic health records by nurses
, P. Muthuswamy
Published in
Volume: 28
Issue: 11
Pages: 1531 - 1535
Electronic Health Record has potential to improve patient care by managing patient's medical and personal information efficiently and effectively. It is easy to maintain patient information electronically compared to paper based records. Many studies have been done in other countries to study the effective use of Electronic Health Record, but a small number of studies exist in Indian situation. This study is a footstep in this route. This study has been done to know the use of electronic health records among nurses in private medium sized hospitals of Tamil Nadu, India. The objective of the study is to explore the use of Electronic Health Records and barriers in using it among nurses. This study also analyzes the factors affecting nurses to adopt electronic health record. Only a third of the nurses (33%) use electronic health record. Lack of training is the major hindrance in use electronic health record among nurses. © IDOSI Publications, 2013.
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JournalWorld Applied Sciences Journal