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Hybrid group key management architecture for multicast applications
Published in International Information Institute Ltd.
Volume: 19
Issue: 3
Pages: 1027 - 1038
In the global scenario, with the rampant strides in wireless as well as mobile networks, Secure Group Key Management, play a vital role for wireless group oriented applications. To name a few, share broking, software distribution, and internet pay sites. In large and dynamic multicast groups, the sender and the group members use a common secure group key to encrypt and decrypt the data that are being exchanged. The tree-based centralized architecture is commonly used so as to lower the rekeying cost in terms of storage, transmission and computation. But it usually leads to additional overhead for balancing the tree. In the proposed hybrid group key management architecture, the members are divided into various clusters and cluster head selection for each one is based on each node's distance and energy. The proposed architecture will enhance the group performance in terms of computation as well as communication complexity. © 2016 International Information Institute.
About the journal
JournalInformation (Japan)
PublisherInternational Information Institute Ltd.