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IMEXT text summarizer using deep learning
J.K. Thaker, R. Bhushan, ,
Published in Springer
Volume: 1155
Pages: 34 - 45
This research focuses on the problem of creating a short summary for every page in a physical book. This will enable students, professors, lawyers and others to get the most important points of every page in the book in a summarized form. Motivated by the fact that users do not have the time to read lengthy materials, the research aims to make reading a less tedious activity by summarizing long paragraphs into short sentences. In this research, we model the summarizer using deep learning algorithms using bi-RNNs and attention mechanisms. Furthermore, a hardware model is made to turn and capture images of pages from a book automatically using raspberry pi. © Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2020.
About the journal
JournalData powered by TypesetAdvances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
PublisherData powered by TypesetSpringer