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Impact of polymeric changes on mechanical and structural properties of polyethylene self reinforced polymer composites
, , K. Padmanabhan
Published in Politechnica University of Bucharest
Volume: 82
Issue: 3
Pages: 179 - 194

The present study addresses the mechanical behavior of polyethylene self-reinforced composites (SRC’s) considering polymeric structural changes after cutting. Selfreinforced polyethylene composite is fabricated using the HOT compaction method by maintaining the processing temperature at 160 ˚C. Conventional and unconventional methods were used to cut the samples of standard dimensions. FTIR images revealed the formation of C=C, C-N, N-H bend bonds after laser cutting, initiated a decrease in the surface roughness value to 4.68µm (Ra).SEM analysis is performed to analyse the structural integrity and damage failure of SRC’s. Structural changes formation after Laser cutting leads to improve the ultimate tensile strength of the laminate 20% compared to Conventional cut samples. Similar trend is noticed for flexural properties and Shore –D hardness values of the SRC composite laminate correlated to polymeric changes with conventional cutting due to the formation of C-N bond but less UTS is observed compared to laser cutting. © 2020, Politechnica University of Bucharest. All rights reserved.

About the journal
JournalUPB Scientific Bulletin, Series D: Mechanical Engineering
PublisherPolitechnica University of Bucharest