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Integration of non-conventional energy sources using modified full bridge converter
Banumathi S., Subhamathi A.S.F.,
Published in Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication
Volume: 8
Issue: 8
Pages: 887 - 893
Power system stability mainly involves the inputs from renewable energy sources and stand alone systems are playing major role in supplying electricity to remote areas. This paper displayed an altered full scaffold Triple port converter innovation to deal with the power stream between the sources and burden. Here the sun oriented PV board goes about as a principle source and it is upheld by a vitality stockpiling gadget battery providing capacity to the DC load. The proposed full scaffold Triple-port converter (FB-TPC) joins two converters (Buck-Boost) on the essential side of the transformer. The transformer inductors act as a filters and the power conversion and transformation operation involves only one step. This reduces the losses and increases the efficiency of the system. The zero voltage switching is involved in operating the switches. The principle of operation of the studied converter is analyzed thoroughly and the simulation output waveforms are compared between proposed FB-TPC and Modified FB-TPC. © BEIESP.
About the journal
JournalInternational Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering
PublisherBlue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication
Open AccessNo