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Investigating Text-independent Speaker Verification from Practically Realizable System Perspective
R.K. Das,
Published in Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
Pages: 1483 - 1487
This work projects an attempt to explore the prospects of text-independent speaker verification (SV) for practical realizable systems. Although the advancements in SV systems have gained attention towards deployable systems, the performance seems to degrade under uncontrolled conditions. A protocol for data collection is designed for the text-independent SV with student attendance as an application to create a database in a real-world scenario. The i-vector based speaker modeling is used for evaluating the performance that depicts major deviation of results from that obtained on standard database. This portrays the significance of having real-world scenario based databases for robust SV studies. Further, studies are performed related to speaker categorization, speaker confidence and model update that showcase their significance towards systems in practice. The database created in this work is available as a part of multi-style speaker recognition database. © 2018 APSIPA organization.