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Kernel Based Rough-Fuzzy C-Means
Published in Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Volume: 8251 LNCS
Pages: 148 - 155
Data clustering has found its usefulness in various fields. Algorithms are mostly developed using euclidean distance. But it has several drawbacks which maybe rectified by using kernel distance formula. In this paper, we propose a kernel based rough-fuzzy C-Means (KRFCM) algorithm and use modified version of the performance indexes (DB and D) obtained by replacing the distance function with kernel function. We provide a comparative analysis of RFCM with KRFCM by computing their DB and D index values. The analysis is based upon both numerical as well as image datasets. The results establish that the proposed algotihtm outperforms the existing one. © Springer-Verlag 2013.
About the journal
JournalData powered by TypesetLecture Notes in Computer Science Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence
PublisherData powered by TypesetSpringer Berlin Heidelberg
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