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Language and Religion; Linguistic Religion or Religious Language
, Navvab Hematiyan
Published in
Issue: November
Pages: 1 - 13
The interplay between language and religion has been neglected by linguists and researchers in Iran. Language and religion have a significant relationship among people. This study is going to present whether language is at the service of religion or there is a separate category namely religious language. It aims at expanding upon this point and intends to scrutinize different viewpoints about language and religion. We established a basic framework of ground rules for discussions according to "Religious Language" written by Peter Donovan and "Religion and the Making of Society" written by Charles Davis. This argumentative topic is discussed in three main points in this study. A compendious description on the necessary facts about the epistemological and ontological aspects of language and religion has been provided in the first part. A compilation of different articles and books has been reviewed to elicit different perspectives on language and religion in relation to each other. It was done through explaining the factual and fictional, meaningful and meaningless differences in this area. The other section discusses diverse strategies used in theological texts and religious languages and their impact on the transmission of religious ideologies. The way religious language can inspire and arouse feelings in people is the main argument in this section. In the last part of the paper, the aims and purposes of religious assertions and texts have been challenged through the analysis of their discourses based on the framework of ideological discourse analysis of Van Dijk.
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