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Low Cost IoT Based Air Quality Monitoring Setup Using Arduino and MQ Series Sensors with Dataset Analysis
K.B. Kumar Sai, S. Mukherjee,
Published in Elsevier B.V.
Volume: 165
Pages: 322 - 327
ThispapertalksaboutcosteffectiveArduinobasedAirQualityMonitoringsetupusingMQseriessensorswhicharequitesuitable to install in both indoor and outdoor provided that properly calibrated before installing. There are many MQ series sensors out of which MQ135 and MQ7 have been considered here as MQ135 is able to detect ammonia, carbon dioxide, alcohol or even smokeandMQ7helpstocalculateCarbonMonoxidealoneandthesetwosensorsarequitesuitablefortheapplicationconsidered. Government of India has taken enough measures already to minimize the air being polluted. The whole setup can be made as acompact device with low cost and can be used as a carry-in device such that awareness is brought among the people of how's the airqualityleveloftheareasurroundedbythepersoneitherindoororoutdoor.Adverseeffectsofairpollutionleadstorespiratory problems, skin diseases etc., Moreover, the data collected by these sensors will be pushed to the cloud on back end, say here ThingspeakischosenandtherearemanyopensourceIoTsupportingplatforms.Attheend,dataanalysiswasdoneonthedataset collected from the setup which is installed at various places across the VIT University, Vellore. This analysis helps in deeper understanding of the air quality status such that people will be aware of what will happen if the same air quality continues for a longtime. © 2019 Procedia Computer Science. All rights reserved.
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