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Migration from relational to NoSQL database
Ghotiya S, Mandal J,
Published in IOP Publishing
Volume: 263

Data generated by various real time applications, social networking sites and sensor devices is of very huge amount and unstructured, which makes it difficult for Relational database management systems to handle the data. Data is very precious component of any application and needs to be analysed after arranging it in some structure. Relational databases are only able to deal with structured data, so there is need of NoSQL Database management System which can deal with semi -structured data also. Relational database provides the easiest way to manage the data but as the use of NoSQL is increasing it is becoming necessary to migrate the data from Relational to NoSQL databases. Various frameworks has been proposed previously which provides mechanisms for migration of data stored at warehouses in SQL, middle layer solutions which can provide facility of data to be stored in NoSQL databases to handle data which is not structured. This paper provides a literature review of some of the recent approaches proposed by various researchers to migrate data from relational to NoSQL databases. Some researchers proposed mechanisms for the co-existence of NoSQL and Relational databases together. This paper provides a summary of mechanisms which can be used for mapping data stored in Relational databases to NoSQL databases. Various techniques for data transformation and middle layer solutions are summarised in the paper.

About the journal
JournalData powered by TypesetIOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
PublisherData powered by TypesetIOP Publishing
Open AccessYes