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Minimum metric dimension of illiac networks
B. Rajan, , P. Venugopal, M.C. Monica
Published in
Volume: 117
Pages: 95 - 103
Let M = {ν1, ν2 ... νn) be an ordered set of vertices in a graph G. Then (d(u, ν1), d(u, ν2) ... d(u, νn)) is called the M-coordinates of a vertex u of G. The set M is called a metric basis if the vertices of G have distinct M-coordinates. A minimum metric basis is a set M with minimum cardinality. The cardinality of a minimum metric basis of G is called minimum metric dimension. This concept has wide applications in motion planning and in the field of robotics. In this paper, we have solved the minimum metric dimension problem for Illiac networks. Copyright © 2014, Charles Babbage Research Centre.}, author_keywords={Illiac network; Metric basis; Minimum metric dimension}, references={Rajan, B., Rajasingh, I., Monica, M.C., Manuel, P., On minimum metric dimension of Circulant networks (2006) Proceedings of the Fourth International Multiconference on Computer Science and Information Technology, pp. 83-88. , Amman, Jordan, April 5-7; Rajan, B., Rajasingh, I., Monica, M.C., Manuel, P., Landmarks in binary TVee derived architectures (2006) Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer and Communication Engineering, ICCCE Malaysia, 1, pp. 584-589. , May 9-11; Rajan, B., Rajasingh, I., Cynthia, J.A., Manuel, P., On minimum metric dimension (2003) The Indonesia-Japan Conference on Combinatorial Geometry and Graph Theory, , Bandung, Indonesia, September 13-16; Rajan, B., Rajasingh, I., Venugopal, P., Manuel, P., Minimum metric dimension of uniform and quasi-uniform theta graphs (2007) International Conference on Computational, Mathematical and Statistical Methods, CMASM 2007, , India, January 6-8; Rajan, B., Rajasingh, I., Venugopal, P., Monica, M.C., Metric dimension of hyper tree derived architectures International Conference on Mathematics and Computer Science, ICMCS 2007, pp. 256-258. , March; Chartrand, G., Eroh, L., Johnson, M.A., Oellermann, O.R., Resolv- Ability in graphs and the metric dimension of a graph (2000) Discrete Applied Mathematics, 105, pp. 99-113; Monica, M.C., (2007) Minimum Metric Dimension of Certain Interconnection Networks, , Ph.D. Thesis submitted to the University of Madras, September; Garey, M.R., Johnson, D.S., (1979) Computers and Intractability: A Guide to the Theory of NP-Completeness, Freeman, , New York; Harary, F., Melter, R.A., On the metric dimension of a graph (1976) Ars Com- Binatoria, 2, pp. 191-195; Khuller, S., Ragavachari, B., Rosenfeld, A., (1996) Landmarks in Graphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 70, pp. 217-229; Melter, R.A., Tomcscu, I., (1984) Metric Bases in Digital Geometry, Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing, 25, pp. 113-121; Manuel, P., Rajan, B., Rajasingh, I., Cynthia, J.A., On minimum metric dimension of de Bruijn graph (2005) Proceedings of the National Conference on Computational Intelligence, India, pp. 40-45. , March; Manuel, P., Rajan, B., Rajasingh, I., Cynthia, J.A., Np- completeness of minimum metric dimension problem for directed graphs (2006) Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer and Communication Engineering, ICCCE 2006, 1, pp. 601-605. , Malaysia, May 9-11; Manuel, P., Abd-El-barr, M.I., Rajasingh, I., Rajan, B., An efficient representation of Benes networks and its applications (2008) Journal of Discrete Algorithms, 6 (1), pp. 11-19. , March; Manuel, P., Rajan, B., Rajasingh, I., Monica, M.C., On minimum metric dimension of honeycomb networks (2008) Journal of Discrete Algorithms, 6, pp. 20-27; Slater, P.J., Leaves of trees (1975) Congressus Numerantium, 14, pp. 549-559; Slater, P.J., Dominating and reference sets in a graph (1988) Journal of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, 22, pp. 445-455; Xu, J., (2001) Topological Structure and Analysis of Interconnection Networks, , Kluwer Academic Publishers}, correspondence_address1={Venugopal, P.; Department of Mathematics, SSN College of Engg.India}, publisher={Charles Babbage Research Centre}, issn={03817032}, language={English}, abbrev_source_title={Ars Comb.}, document_type={Article}, source={Scopus},
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