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Minimum wirelength of hypercubes into n-dimensional grid networks
, M. Arockiaraj, B. Rajan, P. Manuel
Published in
Volume: 112
Issue: 14-15
Pages: 583 - 586
In the paper [Exact wirelength of hypercube on a grid, Discrete Applied Mathematics 157 (7) (2009) 1486-1495], the minimum wirelength of an r-dimensional hypercube into a 2 ⌊r/2⌋×2 ⌈r/2⌉ grid has been obtained. In this paper, we obtain the same when the 2 ⌊r/2⌋×2 ⌈r/2⌉ rectangular grid is replaced by a generalized grid of size 2 r1×2 r2×⋯×2 rn where r 1+r 2+⋯+r n=r, r 1≤r 2≤⋯≤r n. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
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