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Northward Transport in a Stress Driven Flow
Confined to a Porous Medium
(Sverdrup Relation in a Porous Medium)

Published in Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publication
Volume: 8
Issue: 12
Pages: 4658 - 4660

We obtain an expression for the total northward mass
transport in a porous bed of large extant subject to a stress
applied at the top free surface using Beta plane approximation. It
is found that beta effect is found to be responsible for western
intensification of ocean currents. The total northward transport
of fluid (See Sverdrup [11]) is found to be closed through the
western boundary layer (See: Stommel [4]) in the presence of
porous medium.

About the journal
JournalInternational Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)
PublisherBlue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publication
Open AccessYes