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Parents role in nurturing emotional intelligence in children life – An approach towards development of emotional quotient
, D. Alice Sophia
Published in Serials Publications
Volume: 14
Issue: 11
Pages: 151 - 158
This article explores the importance of emotional intelligence in the children’s life and the parentages role and support for child’s building intrapersonal, interpersonal, social relationships. The emotional intelligence and personality traits were associated and even parental support helps the children to develop their personality. Mayer, Salovey and Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test (MSCEIT), were more likely to state positive relations with others, as well as perceived parental prop up and less likely to report negative interactions with close friends. The major constructs are the parent’s involvement in child’s behavior, education, ambition and sense of efficacy towards children’s growth and development. The reviews suggest that even structured programs and curriculum will not have complete development of child’s personality unless the parenthood or parental role constructs the development of the child’s personality, manage emotions, understand situations, set goals, pro-activeness and solve the problems creatively. The Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) has identified a set of social-emotional skills that underlie effective performance of a wide range of social roles and life tasks. CASEL has drawn from extensive research in a wide range of areas, including brain functioning and methods of learning and instruction to identify the skills that provide young people with broad guidance and direction for their actions in all aspects of their lives, in and out of school (Connell, Turner, Mason & Olsen, 1986). This paper examines the role of parentage in nurturing emotional intelligence in children by identifying the children personality traits involving the interpersonal skills and intrapersonal skills through an effective parental support that includes compassion, non – judgmental acceptance and responsive listening which are the qualities to be possessed within parentage. Henceforth this article depicts positive outcomes by achieving self – directed goals within children, able to handle and manage emotions in any type of situations by developing a Self – disciplined and a self – composed children in future by realizing that there are very less unrealistic expectations in their surroundings. These possible consequences cannot be seen or achieved within the children unless and until there is an effective parental support. © Serials Publications Pvt. Ltd.
About the journal
JournalInternational Journal of Economic Research
PublisherSerials Publications