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Performance analysis of query related user profiling for web search
D. Madusubram,
Published in
Pages: 317 - 321
Record matching, which recognizes the records that symbolize the similar real-world article, is an imperative tread for data incorporation. Most state-of-the-art record corresponding techniques are managed, which needs the user to present training data. These techniques are not appropriate for the Web catalog situation, where the records to counterpart are query results vigorously produced on the dash. Such records are query reliant and a pre-arranged technique by means of training instances from preceding query results might fall short on the consequences of a novel query. To deal with the crisis of record similar in the Web database set-up, an unconfirmed, online verification corresponding technique, UDD, presented for efficiently recognize replicas from the query outcome records of numerous Web databases. UDD proficiently identified the replica pairs in the dataset but consumes more time. There are numerous methods have discussed the problem of user profiling fundamental component of personalization applications. In this paper, we analyze current query related user profiling schemes and provide an overview of the emerging record matching with query results from multiple web databases. Also comparisons are done between the various schemes to explain the advantages and limitations. In this paper, experimental evaluation shows that the performance analysis of the query related user profiling for web search on the basis of precision, recall, F-measure. © 2013 IEEE.
About the journal
JournalProceedings of the 2013 International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Informatics and Mobile Engineering, PRIME 2013