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Peristaltic pumping of a jeffrey fluid between porous walls with suction and injection
Published in
Volume: 7
Issue: 2
Pages: 152 - 157
Peristaltic pumping of a non-Newtonian Jeffrey fluid between two permeable walls with suction and injection is discussed in the wave frame moving with constant velocity of the wave under the consideration of long wavelength and low Reynolds number. The analytical solution for the fluid velocity field, pressure gradient and the frictional force are obtained. The effect of suction/ injection parameter k, amplitude ratio Φ and the permeability parameter including slip α on the flow quantities are discussed graphically. It is noticed for pressure rise is positive (pumping region), the rate of pumping decreases with increasing Jeffrey parameter λ 1, whereas for pressure rise is negative (co-pumping region) the behaviour is quite opposite. For pressure rise ΔP = 0 (free pumping region) no variation is observed in the pumping rate.
About the journal
JournalInternational Journal of Mechanical and Materials Engineering