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Perusal of the power: The ascendancy of electrifying women in naomi alderman's speculative fiction
V.M. Jayal,
Published in Institute of Advanced Scientific Research, Inc.
Volume: 10
Issue: 9
Pages: 258 - 262
Imagine a world where men are afraid of women; a world in which boys are sent safely to boys-only schools. Naomi Alderman devises such a world where a new power makes young girls physically stronger and overpower men. Naomi's Power can be considered as Speculative Fiction which has long questioned the traditional preoccupation of power between sexes. These feminist speculative novels create a space for women to reverse the gender roles ascribed to them. The genre provides freedom of imagination for the women writers to imagine a world of their own. Feminist Fabulation (FF) is a term coined by Marleen S Barr conceptualized in Feminist Fabulation Space/Postmodern Fiction. The term gave legitimacy to women writers of speculative, science and utopian fictions. Feminist Science Fiction aims at envisioning transformation in patriarchal order of the society. This paper will examine the use of power and also explore the altered power structures in Naomi Alderman's The Power, as it explores and explodes the realities of hegemony and alters it to create a world for women with ultimate power. It shows what changes when the holder of power is reversed. It further probes into what does not change and why. Though women use this power to shield them from men, being the possessors of power they indubitably show their dominance. Alderman reinforces the adversities of power, no matter who holds it. The aspects of feminist fabulation in the novel is also explored in the study. © 2018, Institute of Advanced Scientific Research, Inc. All rights reserved.
About the journal
JournalJournal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems
PublisherInstitute of Advanced Scientific Research, Inc.