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Pesticide: An Appraisal on Human Health Implications
, J.K. Sangha, H.G. Ramya
Published in Springer India
Volume: 85
Issue: 2
Pages: 451 - 463
Production of food crops is severely constrained by damage from pests which is mainly managed by the use of infallible remedy called pesticides. The use of pesticides was introduced in India during the mid-sixties as a part of green revolution and malaria prevention programs. While pesticides turned useful for pest control they were at the same time responsible for human health injuries. Today these chemicals in particular those which accumulate in food chain, impose several human health hazards. Intake of food containing pesticide residues is documented to result in highest exposure, about 103–105 times higher than that arising from contaminated drinking water or air. Pesticides have been reported to cause several adverse health effects which depend on the extent and duration of exposure. Health effects of pesticides range from mild allergies, rashes, breathing difficulties, neurotoxicity and reproductive abnormalities to deadly chronic diseases like cancer. This challenge to food safety may be addressed by preventive strategies which include the use of alternative sustainable agricultural practices or mitigating strategies which are based on reducing pesticide exposure from food and water by different processing techniques. © 2014, The National Academy of Sciences, India.
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JournalData powered by TypesetProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences India Section B - Biological Sciences
PublisherData powered by TypesetSpringer India