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Postmodern fictional techniques in postcolonial Indian context: A cultural critique of Shashi Tharoor's the Riot
, G. Kumar
Published in Serials Publications
Volume: 97
Issue: 2
Pages: 19 - 28
This paper aims at analyzing the postmodern fictional techniques like metafictional historiography, disjointed narration, mixing the high and the low and self-reflexivity by situating postmodern narratology within the postcolonial Indian Context in Shashi Tharoor's The Riot. The novel begins from the New York Journal's fictional account of Hindu-Muslim riot at Zalilgarh, Uttar Pradesh in 1989, and transcends space and time through mixing politics and personal lives through multiple narrative techniques. The death of a 24 year old Priscilla Hart, a volunteer of a non governmental organization from the United States is the central action of the story. The reasons for death of the innocent foreigner in India remain a mystery throughout the novel. The novel analyzes the different versions of truths behind the killing of Priscilla Hart through plural, non-linear, postmodern narratology. © Serials Publications.
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PublisherSerials Publications