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Punching shear behavior of fibre reinforced flat slab under different support conditions
Published in Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication
Volume: 8
Issue: 5
Pages: 178 - 184
The flat slab has gained popularity for many years in the construction industry because of its advantages over the conventional slab. Punching shear failure is the major issue in the flat slab system. The most affected portion in the flat slab system is the slab column joint. The test specimen was modelled by using a finite element software known as ABAQUS. This software has good performance quality and ability to solve the complex problems in different fields of engineering. In order to conduct the study, nine slab-column specimens of the flat slab were casted and subjected to test with four, three and two sides rigidly supported. Three flat slabs with control mix and six flat slabs with hooked end steel fibres were used. The tests were conducted to study the capacity of the test specimen to withstand the punching shear. The crack patterns developed on the test specimens was studied. It was observed that the four side supported slab-column connection of the flat slab enhance more punching shear strength capacity than three and two sides supported. Also, it was found that the usage of the steel fibre can improve the stiffness and the load bearing capacity of the test specimens. © BEIESP.
About the journal
JournalInternational Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering
PublisherBlue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication