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Rare lazy learning associative classification using cogency measure for heart disease prediction
S.P.S. Ibrahim,
Published in Springer
Volume: 1125
Pages: 681 - 691
Discovery of class association rules from the enormous amount of database is considered as a vital task in data mining. Nowadays, the development of computer technologies, for example, database management system and data storage has given the stage for gathering and dealing with a lot of information. Finding frequent class association rules combines two significant data mining techniques such as association rule mining and classification for maximum accuracy. Since this hybrid mining yields a large number of class rules during database scan, the processing time will increases significantly. Moreover, many of these rules may be irrelevant and sometimes it misses the most important rules during classifier construction. Rare lazy learning associative classification is the process of recognizing rare class rules without generating classifier construction by focusing on the useful features from patient data of the test instance which is important for rule generation. This method is profoundly appropriate for biomedical field like heart disease prediction system which requires higher accuracy. The proposed algorithm uses simple local caching mechanism on heart disease data and constructing classifier using cogency measure that will make the lazy associative classification fast and achieve higher accuracy than traditional algorithms. Experimental results show that the proposed cogency-based algorithm is more efficient than traditional algorithms for heart disease with high prediction accuracy and the proposed algorithm may also be useful in anomaly detection, fraud detection, detection of network failures and many more bio medical areas. © Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2020.
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