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Reverse engineering Vs conceptual design principles in the making of artificial knee models
, L. Mathew, S. Sivarasu
Published in
Volume: 25
Issue: 2
Pages: 60 - 62
The process of reverse engineering involves, disassembling and disclosing the method in which it works. It often shows an effective way for learning to construct a product/technology or improvise it. In medical devices design, reverse engineering principles are more often used in implants designing and specifically in orthopedic implants designing. This paper discusses the efficacy of using reverse engineering and combining the same with conceptual design principles to meet the objectives. The design is tested on using a reverse engineered artificial knee and the same improvised using conceptual design principles. The results prove that the combination of reverse engineering and conceptual design opens up a greater scope for the product design in the field of medical devices design.
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JournalTrends in Biomaterials and Artificial Organs