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Robotic-wheelchair control head orientation and eye ball movement control with health monitor system
Published in Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication
Volume: 7
Issue: 5
Pages: 22 - 23
Nowadays many people have lost ability to control their upper and lower parts of the body. Due to ageing and also some health issue like paralyses. In order to overcome these problem we need electrical control wheel chair instead of older joystick. Initially only the control of wheel chair mechanism done. Which is more complex and takes more time. In order to do the automatic control of wheel chair and the body parts are done. If the person heart beat raises then the normal rate means then it is monitored and then if the body temperature of the person raises means it will be also monitored and displayed. any condition the blood pressure of the person increases means is monitored and displayed on LCD. In order to control the hand movement of the person the MEMS accelerometer is used and the eye blink is used to monitor the eye movement of the person. The wheel chair mechanism is controlled separately if any object come in front while operating wheel chair means then the ultrasonic sensor is used to detect that. It reduces the complexity and time and also easily operated by paralyses person’s. © BEIESP.
About the journal
JournalInternational Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering
PublisherBlue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication