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Scriptotherapy as an antidote for traumatic problems with reference to sapphire's push
S.G. Raj,
Published in Serials Publications
Volume: 96
Issue: 11
Pages: 4387 - 4392
Writing serves as an instrument in the process of healing. Scriptotherapy is the term coined by Suzzette A Henke in her book Shattered Subjects. It is a space where the writer explores his/her writing for the therapeutic purposes. The novel Push by Sapphire foregrounds the importance of writing where the character Precious undergoes various problems at her young age. Before the age of 16, she gets pregnant twice. Psychic trauma folds her and leads her life in total depression. Most of her problems happen inside the family, she becomes very lonely, depressed, rude and a stone-hearted girl. Once her teacher encourages her to write, she adapts self-narration and develops herself through the writing. Precious searches the opportunities to uplift her, and writing helps out. By writing, she finds a way to change her attitude and finds a different place in the classroom in which once she was considered rude. Writing serves as a way to heal. Scriptotherapy in her life helps her to get out the traumatic problems. This paper intends to find the importance of Scriptotherapy used in the novel Push by Sapphire and explores the benefits of writing. © Serials Publications.
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JournalMan in India
PublisherSerials Publications